Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The importance of drinking water

bu Jessica Watters

I have been telling people for years that you need to drink plenty of water in order for your body to function at peak performance.

This is especially important for people who do regular exercise.  Drinking water is also a great way to help you feel full while watching what you eat.  It also helps hydrate your skin helping you look better too.

I used to be really good at drinking lots of water when I worked full-time in an office.  I had a big glass, and whenever it was empty, I'd go to the cooler and fill it up.  I easily took in at least 64 oz of water per day.  But once I started my own fitness business and staying home with my kids, it became harder to remember to drink my daily water requirement.  So to help me with this, I bought a large plastic, refillable water bottle that holds 20 oz.  Every time its empty, I fill it up with water from the fridge.  I fill it up at least 3 times during the day (if  not more), and I feel so much better now for doing that.

A lot of times, people will often mistake thirst for hunger.  So they tend to go looking for something to munch on, instead of something to drink.  Or some people start to feel tired during the day due to the fact they are dehydrated.  But instead of going for water, they go for coffee, which will dehydrate you more because it acts as a diuretic.

So take the water challenge.  Aim for drinking at least 64 oz per day.  And when you are working out or sweating due to heat, go for more.  It won't cost you a lot and the health benefits you will receive will be priceless.

If you have questions about fitness or nutrition, send me an email to wattersjes@msn.com

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