Thursday, April 28, 2011

Insanity: Bigger thighs?? Well its a good thing

I'm almost done with week 4 of Insanity.  I never thought I'd say it, but I really love it now. Last summer, I missed Tony Horton so much while Shaun T. put me though so much torture. But I think Shaun has won my heart, although I will always have a spot open for Tony too.

With Insanity, I am jumping higher, moving faster, overall have better cardio performance. Maybe one day I can put all of this to some use, but for now it helps me with chasing the kids around the playground.

However, I was a little shocked when I noticed my pants were fitting a little tighter in the thigh area.  Not a lot tighter, but just enough to notice a difference.  All the jump squats and power jacks have caused my quads to grow, and my calves look more sculpted. And I think my booty is a wee bit bigger too. At first, like most women I was very alarmed by this.  I eat clean, I really try to watch my portions. I don't drink alcohol on a regular basis, and I drink water only.

After comparing notes with my friend, Diandra, I realized I wasn't the only one out there who got these results.  And after thinking about it, I decided that I am okay with this.  As long as its not fat I'm gaining and my thighs (and booty) look good, I'm cool with that.

I'd rather have muscular (and I must say still lean looking) thighs than skinny, flabby ones.

I remember last year I pointed out to a friend that I wouldn't mind if my body looked like Dreya Weber's, of P90X fame. She remarked, "I don't know she's kind of big." But I don't think so. I think she looks strong, and healthy, rather than skinny and waif-like.  I grew up skinny and waif-like and its not fun. Especially when everyone else had nice curves.

I'll keep doing my Insanity workouts, and I will keep eating the way I do. I'm not going to get upset if my thighs (or butt) get bigger, as long as they get bigger the right way and not the wrong way.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Quinoa Salad from Insanity:The Asylum

I never tried quinoa before, I heard a lot of good things about it and decided to pick up a bag last week.  I made a quinoa pilaf and it was pretty tasty.  Quinoa is a whole grain, its high and protein and fiber. The recipe for quinoa salad would be great for the summer. This recipe serves 1, but you could double it for 2.

Here's one of Shaun T's favorites from his brand-new workout program, INSANITY: THE ASYLUM. Healthy and filling, this salad can help get you through your most extreme workouts. Did you know that quinoa contains all the amino acids needed to make a complete protein? It's pretty rare to see that kind of nutrient profile in a single plant-based food.

1/2 cup quinoa

2 cups water or broth (chicken or vegetable)

1 tsp. turmeric

1 pinch salt

1 lemon wedge

1 lime wedge

1/4 cup sliced cucumber

1 Tbsp. diced onion

1 tsp. grated raw ginger

1 Tbsp. julienned mint

1 Tbsp. chopped pistachio nuts

1/2 cup chopped romaine lettuce

Combine quinoa, water or broth, salt, and turmeric in a medium saucepan. Cover and cook over medium heat until about half the liquid is absorbed and quinoa begins to soften, about 15 minutes. Strain quinoa in a mesh strainer, then place in a bowl. Squeeze lemon and lime over quinoa and place in refrigerator to cool. When cool, toss with remaining ingredients. Makes 1 serving.

Preparation Time: 40 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving, prepared with water)

Calories 383
Protein 14 grams
Fiber 7 grams
Carbs 64 grams
Fat 9 grams
Total Saturated Fat 1 gram

Friday, April 22, 2011

Don't let FEAR hold you back

Do you know what's holding you back from success? Its FEAR. FEAR is false, evidence appearing real. Fear can hold you back from weight loss, exercise, a new career, a new relationship, ending a bad relationship. Fear is you being your own worst enemy.

Don't sit there wondering what if, if I only could, or worse if I only did... Start getting hold of your life and ditch the fear. Once you start, you will feel so much better and learn to love the butterflies in your stomach.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Insanity Fit Test 2 Results

This morning marked Day 15 of Insanity for my husband and me. Day 15 means another Fit Test! I was really excited to see if I had made any improvements from the first Fit Test.

So down to the basement we went at an early morning hour.  I'll tell you, early morning workouts aren't everyone's cup of tea, but it sure is nice to have your workout done! And did you know that if you workout first thing in the morning (before breakfast) helps you burn more fat during cardio based workouts. And some studies suggest that you continue to burn even more calories through out the day compared to those who workout after breakfast.

Well, back to the Fit Test. When you do the Fit Test, you get a pretty good workout.  But today I decided to add in the first round of P90X Shoulders & Arms, as well as some Ab Ripper X.

Here are my results from Fit Test 1:

Switch Kicks 100 (or 50 each leg)

Power Jacks 58
Power Knees 100
Power Jumps 44
Globe Jumps 8
Suicide Jumps 14
Push-up Jacks 29
Low Plank Oblique 40

And here are results from Fit Test 2 (today):

Switch Kicks 124 (or 62 each leg)

Power Jacks 55 (what happened here?? 3 less than last week)
Power Knees 116
Power Jumps 42 (hey! 2 less than last week!!)
Globe Jumps 13
Suicide Jumps 15
Push-up Jacks 29
Low Plank Oblique 46 (or 92 each knee)

So I improved in some, stayed the same in one and for some reason dropped in 2.  I may have been focusing on better form this time around (I hope so...)

Well on to the official start of Week 3 of Insanity! Will post Fit Test 3 in a couple of weeks.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Insanity Week 2 Done! Getting a little closer to the Asylum!

My husband and I just finished week 2 of Insanity! Yay! We start our next Fit Test on Monday and I can't wait to see if there are improvements. I can already see improvements with my husband's form, flexibility and coordination.

We're making our way to the Asylum!! Its recommended that you complete Insanity before moving into the Asylum, so we will be there in the late spring or early summer.

This is what we have to look forward to:

My area of concern is push ups. I was always pretty good at them with P90X, but the fast pace of Insanity's push ups has me feeling weak with these.  I know this will improve, but right now its a little annoying. So I just modify where I have to and go a little slower.

I'm really excited that my husband is doing this with me. He was always a gym guy who wasn't really into change. I spent an entire year gently hinting at the benefits of a home workout routine. But now he's hooked and I guess an Insanic with me.

I will post my Fit Test Results on Monday. Have a great Saturday!!

Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know how you're doing on your fitness journey.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I am the real deal

I am the real deal. I don't mean that in a conceited, cocky way though.

Here's what I mean, I'm a real person, a real woman, real wife, real mother. I don't have help around the house except for my husband when he's home from work. I have 4 kids and I run my own business.

I am not the perfect mother. I often say the wrong things to my kids, and I do raise my voice - a lot.

I have struggles with food and weight, just like a lot of people do.  Mine might not be as noticeable as others, but I go through my times when I want to raid the pantry. I go through my days when I feel frustrated because the numbers on the scale went up instead down.  Although I love to cook healthy, I don't buy everything organic. I drink cow's milk sometimes. I don't eat grass-fed beef. I'm trying to get better, I'm working on it.

I don't like the way my face is changing as I age, and I don't like what the skin right above my navel has become after having 4 kids.

I don't like waking up at 5 am to exercise. I'd rather not exercise on some days.

I didn't have an athletic childhood, and I wasn't a very popular or outgoing kid.  As a matter of fact I was very timid, shy and maybe even mopey.  I didn't come from a rich family, or even middle class. It was lower middle class.

I bounced form job to job. I couldn't find my niche. I'm not organized and I have some clutter hot spots in my home.

Too many people think its easy for me to stay in shape, to eat right, to run a successful business from home, to stay positive. But I'm real, just like you all are.

However, I am always working on turning my negatives into positives. One good and bad quality of mine is the fact that I'm rebellious in a way. I refuse to let a negative situation get the best of me. My rebellious nature has gotten me in a lot of tight spots and trouble. But thankfully its also helped push me to do better. When someone tells me it can't be done, I will try like hell to do it.

I look back at my life and I'm sometimes tempted to fantasize about; if I only did this, or if my parents had paid for braces for my teeth, or if I didn't use that credit card, if I didn't date that guy... But if my circumstances had been perfect, if I was Ms. Popular in high school, if my parents had money, if I had been more athletic, I might not be where I am today.  Where I am now is being a real person for you.

I'm a real person who coaches real people. Its not pretty and its not perfect, but its me. And I get where you're coming from, and I don't think I'm better than you.  I just want to help you be a better you.

I'd love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Insanity: The Asylum - I'm a little nervous...

During the month of February, Beachbody had a contest for their coaches to win an autographed copy of Shaun T's new workout, Insanity: The Asylum.  Well guess what! I won it! Woo hoo! So after over a month of waiting, its due to arrive at my door either today or tomorrow.  And now I'm a little nervous.

I just started loving Insanity. I wasn't a big fan of it last year, but I don;t know what happened this year to make me a true Insanity believer.  Maybe its the fact I needed a challenge, or my husband is doing it with me this time, I'm not sure, could be a combo of things. But before I get too ga-ga over it, I still have to get through a few more weeks of month 1 and then its on to the grueling month 2.  I've heard that's tough!

So, as I wait for the mail person to deliver my Asylum, I am just a little nervous at the thought of starting it. I know I'm being a big baby, but it sounds intense. It is only 30 days, so 4 weeks can't be so bad, can it?

Here's a glimpse of what its looks like:

If you;d like more info on Insanity: The Asylum, send me an email to or visit my website Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know how you think it will be!

Friday, April 8, 2011

How "honey" gets you through your Insanity workouts

You're probably wondering which honey to use to get you through those Insanity workouts. Organic, local, imported... No, not that type of honey! I'm talking about your "honey." Whether its your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, or your kids, having someone close to you with the same goals can really help you get through your Insanity workouts or any other workouts for that matter. I have to admit, I got the idea for this blog post from my friend Rich Dafter, after a Facebook comment he made. I thought it was cute and thought I'd write about it.

I got really used to working out solo for a long time.  Don't get me wrong, I love my solo workouts. Its my "me" time.  But there is something different about having a workout partner to hold you accountable. I felt like I pushed myself a little harder than I do when working out solo.  Not saying I go easy on myself, but there was a little bit of the "show off" factor going on when my husband got involved.  I don't want him to think I'm a slouching during Insanity, LOL.

One of the cool things about working out with my husband is that we are comfortable not making small talk. Well with Insanity, there really isn't any opportunity for that.  One thing that bugs the both of us is people who talk your ear off at the gym. We can both workout, sweat, push each other, but not get on each other's nerves. Perfect!!

If you'd like to share your story about working out with "honey," please leave your comments below.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Insanity Fit Test - Day 1

Well today was the official start of Day 1 of Insanity with my husband.  The Insanity Fit Test marked our first day.  We haven't worked out together in years, so its fun to start something new with him.

I did Insanity last year and I'll be honest, I wasn't that crazy about it.  I don't know if it was because it was mid-summer and hot as hell, or if I just wasn't mentally ready for it. So I did 4 weeks and quickly went running back to Tony Horton's P90X.

Then I tried again in the fall, this time I thought I'd do a yoga/Insanity hybrid.  Well about 2 weeks into it I hurt my shoulder.  Too many chaturangas with my power yoga and too many push-ups with Insanity. But it did open up the door to trying Brazil Butt Lift, which was perfect around the holidays followed by more P90X.

Well at about week 8 of round 3, I started getting the itch to try Insanity again.  I surely thought I was crazy because why on earth would I want to try that again? But the thought kept needling its way in and sure enough I substituted one of the P90X cardio workouts for an Insanity workout.  Guess what! I made it through and actually felt great afterwards. So I tried it again on the next cardio day, and I was totally hooked.  So I asked my husband if he'd do a round of Insanity with me.  I was shocked when a week later he told me yes. Just to see if he was really on board, I tried a workout with him on Saturday and he loved it. So much so that he wanted to do another on Sunday. So its official, we started Day 1 today. We trudged down to the basement at 5 am to start our insane journey.

The Fit Test is a workout in itself.  30 minutes of power exercises, combined with plyometrics, push ups and core exercises that make Pilates look like its for girlie's.

And for the record, I like the Insanity Elite Nutrition Guide a lot better than the P90X Nutrition Guide (which I still like a lot).

Here are my results for today's Fit Test:

Switch Kicks 100 (or 50 each leg)
Power Jacks 58
Power Knees 100
Power Jumps 44
Globe Jumps 8 (I know I sucked at this one, but I had also worked out 12 days straight)
Suicide Jumps 14
Push-up Jacks 29
Low Plank Oblique 40 (not as easy as it sounds)

So the next Fit Test is on Day 15.  Let's see if I can dig deeper and rock this!

If you;d like more info on Insanity, P90X or any of the other amazing Beachbody workouts, visit my website at or eamil me at

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Whole wheat pancakes for the fitness minded

Pancakes have always been a big hit with my kids since they were old enough to eat them.  But the traditional type can be a no-no for the fitness minded. So on my quest for a healthier pancake, I found a recipe for whole wheat ones.  I make a big batch, freeze them and then microwave for 30 seconds per pancake for quick weekday breakfasts.

So here is my current recipe for whole wheat pancakes:

Jessica's Whole Wheat Pancakes for the Fitness Minded

2 cups of whole wheat flour
1 tbs of baking powder
1 tsp of salt
2 tbs brown sugar
2 eggs
1/3 cup of oil
1-3/4 cup of milk

Mix all of the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Next add your eggs, oil and milk. Stir until blended, but make sure you leave some lumps.

Coat a pan with cooking spray and heat pan on medium heat.  Add 1/4-1/3 cup of pancake batter for medium sized pancakes.  I can usually fit 3 pancakes in my pan.

Wait until, pancakes get little bubbles and carefully turn.  I place the cooked pancakes on a cookie sheet and then freeze.  Once frozen I place in a freezer bag.

Hot pancakes taste great with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup or topped with berries.

These pancakes can be used when following the P90X Nutrition Guide or the Insanity Elite Nutrition Guide.

My recipe makes about 15-18 pancakes.