Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I am the real deal

I am the real deal. I don't mean that in a conceited, cocky way though.

Here's what I mean, I'm a real person, a real woman, real wife, real mother. I don't have help around the house except for my husband when he's home from work. I have 4 kids and I run my own business.

I am not the perfect mother. I often say the wrong things to my kids, and I do raise my voice - a lot.

I have struggles with food and weight, just like a lot of people do.  Mine might not be as noticeable as others, but I go through my times when I want to raid the pantry. I go through my days when I feel frustrated because the numbers on the scale went up instead down.  Although I love to cook healthy, I don't buy everything organic. I drink cow's milk sometimes. I don't eat grass-fed beef. I'm trying to get better, I'm working on it.

I don't like the way my face is changing as I age, and I don't like what the skin right above my navel has become after having 4 kids.

I don't like waking up at 5 am to exercise. I'd rather not exercise on some days.

I didn't have an athletic childhood, and I wasn't a very popular or outgoing kid.  As a matter of fact I was very timid, shy and maybe even mopey.  I didn't come from a rich family, or even middle class. It was lower middle class.

I bounced form job to job. I couldn't find my niche. I'm not organized and I have some clutter hot spots in my home.

Too many people think its easy for me to stay in shape, to eat right, to run a successful business from home, to stay positive. But I'm real, just like you all are.

However, I am always working on turning my negatives into positives. One good and bad quality of mine is the fact that I'm rebellious in a way. I refuse to let a negative situation get the best of me. My rebellious nature has gotten me in a lot of tight spots and trouble. But thankfully its also helped push me to do better. When someone tells me it can't be done, I will try like hell to do it.

I look back at my life and I'm sometimes tempted to fantasize about; if I only did this, or if my parents had paid for braces for my teeth, or if I didn't use that credit card, if I didn't date that guy... But if my circumstances had been perfect, if I was Ms. Popular in high school, if my parents had money, if I had been more athletic, I might not be where I am today.  Where I am now is being a real person for you.

I'm a real person who coaches real people. Its not pretty and its not perfect, but its me. And I get where you're coming from, and I don't think I'm better than you.  I just want to help you be a better you.

I'd love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.


  1. I love it! I am so tired of people wearing masks and pretending that they are someone they're not. I used to make myself out to be someoneone I wasn't - today through my faith I am able to just be myself, and I'm OK with that. Thanks for sharing & Stay Well!

  2. Thanks Eric! Nice to see someone reads my posts :) Its good to be yourself:)

  3. Awe I thought you were perfect...
    Your kids have a great mom.Would love to hear the wild stories also. Signed Rich

  4. I like realness :-) Thanks for posting!
