Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Men, Women & Body Image

I just posted an article on  my FB page about men's swimsuits and what it says about them.  I got to thinking that men are not so different from women when it comes to body image.  Ha ha, you say, but before you mock me, let me go on.

I have met a lot of guys who will walk around without a shirt, unashamed of their beer-belly.  Strutting around like a proud rooster.  But I have also met plenty of women who do basically the same thing.  You  know the ladies I'm talking about.  Maybe they're deemed a little too old to wear a bikini, or what we think is too heavy to sport a pair of shorts.  Right there we have men and women who might not be what society considers perfect specimens, but they don't care.  They have self confidence and I'm guessing a good, healthy body-image.

Then I've met the guys who refuse to take their t-shirt off at the beach.  I see lots of men who hide behind over sized clothes, thinking they're bodies will not be as noticeable in them.  To me nothing says "I think I'm fat..." more than a guy who wears an over sized shirt that comes down to his knees.  Although I do know this is also an urban fashion statement.

Then there are the women who will wear long pants and long sleeves in 100 degree weather because they're too ashamed of showing their arms and legs for fear of looking fat.  I know in some cultures its more out of modesty.  But honestly, is it worth risking heat stroke in order to hide your flaws?

Not everyone on this planet was made a size 4 (ladies) or a size 30 waist (guys).  We're all different shapes and sizes.  So go ahead and take the t-shirt off guys.  So what if you have a bell?.  And ladies, who really should care if we have stretch marks or cellulite?

Exercise and eating right should not be done just to look hot.  But when you choose to exercise it should be for overall health.  You should strive for a healthy heart, healthy blood pressure, healthy sugar levels and strong bones. And guess what - Once you start regular exercise, you will feel more comfortable with your body. 

Hey we're all not going to look like the cover of Men's Health magazine or Cosmo, but we can have better insides than those pretty models do.  And that's far better than looking hot. Health and confidence say "hot" more than being pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Great article Jess, I am feeling you, and I am in total agreement. When it gets right down to it, it's what we have to say about ourselves that count. Take back your life!
