Friday, July 9, 2010

40% of surveyed men prefer the booty

So while I'm at the dentist last night, I picked up the June 2010 issue of Shape magazine.  Inside there was a short article on what men have to say about women's bodies and what they love.  Men's Health magazine had polled 5000 men. 

What jumped out at me was that 40% of all men thought a woman's booty was the sexiest part of her body.  This beat out all the other body parts.  And although legs didn't come close, most men prefer a woman wearing a mini-skirt.

So that immediately got me thinking about Brazil Butt Lift.  This is one of the newer Beachbody workouts that has been really gaining popularity.  Now I see why!  Not only does Brazil Butt Lift focus on the booty or the "bum bum" as its called during the workout, but you get a workout system that works your whole body, upper, lower and abdominals.  Plus you get the nutrition guide with it that will really help speed results and get you looking bootylicious in "Bum Bum Rapido" time.

Well, not only will Brazil Butt Lift help, but other workouts that target your legs and glute area will too.  All of the Beachbody workouts can help reshape that area, but Brazil Butt Lift is the one to turn to for fast results.

And doing other things like walking on a steep incline will help.  Yoga, walking lunges, squats will also get your booty looking uplifted.

If you need help with your bum bum, or just want to look great all over, email me at

Oh yeah, and guys, don't forget that as you age, men lose muscle tone in their rear area too.  Giving the pancake butt look. So, you may also want to try lunges, squats, and walking up hill too.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, don't mix words Jess, cut straight to the chase. Another great blog with insightful information, love the "pancake butt look" comment. Ouch!

    Your Budd
