Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A 2 year old's version of Insanity

I just had to share some pictures of my very cute, 2 year old daughter doing Insanity Pure Cardio with me.  Here she is doing an exercise named "Suicides."  I think her form is pretty good. She can touch the ground quicker than I can.

Here she is doing "Switch Kicks" again, pretty good form, she know s how to modify for her own fitness level (LOL).
Just because you have kids at home, doesn't mean you can't workout.  Get them moving and grooving with you.  They can provide some much needed humor and you get an excuse to take a break now and then.  Enjoy your day!


  1. That is too cute. My kids try to workout with me from time to time but they really struggle with good form. Glad to see your daughter has it going on. She has a great future ahead of her!

  2. I was surprised that she had such good form. My sons on the other hand are another story...
