Thursday, June 24, 2010

A single guy's (or gal's) guide to fast & easy eating

The other day, a 23 year old, young man that I'm coaching asked me about what he can eat doing Insanity as far as fast food goes.  I'm not a big fan of fast food although I will indulge my kids with it once in a great while.  But I try to make good choices for them when they do have it on the rare occasion.

But for this young guy, he was looking to eat it daily.  I cringed a little, but he's young.  But he's old enough to know how to cook and plan his time wisely.  He also has the Insanity Nutrition guide, but he said it looked to hard to follow and too expensive.

When my I met my husband he was a little older than 23. He lived with a bunch of guys in the ultimate bachelor pad.  They were all into working out and they did try to eat right.  So my husband would grill up big batches of chicken breasts for the week.  He's also stock up on baking potatoes and frozen veggies.  And he had a nice line up of spices and seasonings.  On Sundays he would grill up the chicken and put it in a plastic container into the fridge.  There he had instant lunches and dinners.  All he had to do was nuke some veggies and a potato, add some hot sauce and voila, meal ready.

So, it really doesn't take a lot of planning or time management skills to do this.  And in the long run its a lot cheaper than going out for fast food everyday and healthier too.

I really hope the 23 year old takes my advice.  I don't want to see him do a program like Insanity and not see the results because of bad eating habits.

You too, don't let bad eating habits spoil your workouts.

1 comment:

  1. Well said and great practical advice Jess, I just wish I had that kind of sense when I was 23. Of course at 23 who needs to diet. Just kidding, the earlier you start with good eating habits the better. Believe me if you haven't at a certain age you're gonna wish you had.
