Thursday, June 24, 2010

The scale friend or foe?

So this morning I asked a question on Facebook.  How many times to you weight yourself?  Is it more than once daily, daily, weekly or monthly?  I guess there is no right or wrong answer.  I tend to weigh myself daily.  its a habit.  I get on the scale first thing, little or nothing on. I never found this harmful because I know that there will be fluctuations in my weight from day to day.  I mean sometimes it can be a change of 2-3 pounds per day.  It really doesn't bother me if the scale goes up a little bit.  But I do know a lot of people that get very upset when these numbers change from day to day. 

So for those of you who get very upset if the number goes up one day down another, and then back up again, I'd suggest weaning yourself off of daily weigh ins.  Try weekly instead.  I know its hard, but if you're truly getting upset with yourself and its causing you to want to give up, then you may need to take a break from your friend the scale.

My other suggestion is to take measurements of yourself instead.  Or go by how your clothes fit and feel.  When you're starting a new workout program that incorporates strength training, you may notice no change at all or even a slight increase in weight.  But this is normal, your body is getting adjusted and may retain water.  Plus muscles is more dense than fluffy fat.  So you may be trading in the fat for nice lean muscle.  That's why how your clothes fit and feel is a better way to go.

If you have questions on health & fitness, write me at

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