Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New workout for the day

Hi everyone!  I wanted to get you a new workout for the day.  As you know I have started the Team BeachBody workouts P90x and 10-Minute Trainer.  So far I love both.  But sometimes I can't workout with a DVD due to two little people who are at home with me during the day. So I need to put something on that they enjoy, like PBS Sprout or a Disney DVD while I hit the treadmill.

So here's my quick treadmill and strength workout that I enjoy and I hope you will too.  It can be done at home if you have a treadmill (or another piece of cardio equipment - and if you don't have those, running in place or stair climbing works too):

1) Walk or run on the treadmill at a moderate speed for 5-10 minutes (depending on how much time you have).  While running or walking, make sure shoulders are down, belly button pulled back and you are breathing (trust me I know a lot of people who still hold their breath even when running).

2) Hop off the treadmill and hit the floor for my all time favorite exercise - push-ups.  Remember you can modify these with both knees on the floor or just one knee.  Remember to keep the belly button pulled in and to inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up. Start with one set of 10.  If you have more time, then do more sets or reps.  I'd say a max of 3 sets of 15 reps.

3) Get back on the treadmill, start off walking and if you can get to running or stay walking at a brisk pace.  Do this for 5-10 minutes.

4) Hop off the 'mill again and let's do some reverse crunches.  Lie on your back with your hands in a diamond shape under your lower-back/tailbone area.  Your knees should be over your hips with your feet off the floor.  On your exhale, use your abs, to lift your hips slightly off the floor without swinging your legs towards your chest.  Try to keep the knees over the hips only.  Do a min. of 8 and a max. of 20.

5) Get back on the 'mill for another round of cardio.  Walking or running for 5-10 min.

6) Hop off the 'mill one last time for criss-cross crunches.  Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, hands behind the head.  Bring your right elbow towards your left knee, come down and then crunch up to bring your left elbow to the right knee.  Again, exhaling on the lift and inhaling down.  Do a min. of 8 on each side to a max of 20 on each side.

7) Get back on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes of brisk walking.  Followed by some stretching.

Remember to fuel your body after an intense workout.  There is a P90X Recovery drink available through my website.

Make it a great day!

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