Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Joyce Meyer uses diet and exercise to get ready for new opportunities

Hi friends! I wanted to share a quick note with you about how Joyce Meyer and her husband Dave, prepared themselves to press in and press on in their ministry opportunities.

Here is an excerpt from a letter dated March 2010:

"Once we decided we were going to press in and press on, we also knew it would only happen if we changed some pretty significant patterns and habits in our life that we had developed over the years.

"We started by modifying the way we ate, the way we exercised (we actually started doing more), how we spent our free time, and so much more...and we did it because we knew it was the only way we could position ourselves to be used in an even greater way by God.

"We made some MAJOR changes in our lives and in our daily habits. I'd like to tell you it was a breeze. But the reality is that even on the days when I really wanted to reach for a high-calorie snack rather than something healthy, it was actually easier than I expected to do the right thing -- as long as I kept the perspective that doing the right thing would position me to honor and glorify God even more with my life."

Pretty powerful statement! A lot of us tend to think by making the time to exercise we are being selfish. But that couldn't be farther from the truth. We were given amazing bodies, and our job is to keep them healthy and strong enough to be able to tackle being a good parent, a good caretaker of parents, a good employee, a good spouse or partner, a good friend.

Life will throw us lots of curve-balls, some mental and some physical. But if we strive to take care of our bodies by eating right and exercising daily, it might be a little easier to face the challenges that come our way if we are in better physical condition and feel healthy.

If you are ready to break the bad habits and start some new healthy ones, and feel like you need a little help, please feel free to contact me at wattersjes@msn.com or send me a message through Facebook:)
You can also sign up for free online coaching at my Team Beachbody website

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