Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Thursday!  My friend Mary Hope from The Yoga Generation was kind enough to write an article for my blog.  In it she explains the joy of stretching and benefits that it can bring to your life.  Yoga is a great way to get your body flexible and to also relax.  But you can also get energy and burn calories while doing yoga.

BeachBody makes an awesome workout called Yoga Booty Ballet.  Yoga Booty Ballet is a whole series of DVDs that are geared to making over your body or just relaxing.  And even P90X includes a powerful yoga workout. 

So please enjoy Mary's article and get inspired.

Stretching for Joy
by Mary Hope owner of The Yoga Generation

Have you ever watched a cat waking up? More often than not, it will give an exaggerated yawn, then arch its back until stretched to its limit, before loosely letting go and gracefully moving off on its way. Have you ever stopped to wonder why it makes these movements?

The cat knows instinctively the value of stretching in maintaining flexibility and improving circulation to the muscles; you too can become stronger and more flexible with regular stretching exercises.

Most of us tend to hold in patterns of tension arising from everyday cares and worries, bad posture, lack of exercise and so on. These patterns make us feel stiff and unbending and directly interfere with our movements. Inflexibility within our bodies can in turn affect mental flexibility, and we can become stuck in thought as well as in action. Regular stretching exercises not only free our bodies allowing us to move easily, but can also help us to think and act without being so restricted. They are excellent improvers. In fact, by stretching muscles, ligaments and tendons, we make them much more efficient and stronger. The lengthening actions also help us to stand and walk taller, and even with added grace. The joints are better supported and are more able to go though their full range of movements, while the muscles are better nourished from the increased blood supply. The stretches give you that extra edge.

One of the best things about stretches is that you can do some simple, straightforward exercises anywhere, at any time: at home, in the office, standing in a line or even sitting in the car; there are no restrictions. However, in order to get the most benefit from regular stretching, and particularly from doing yoga practice, it is important to create a quite, comfortable space and give yourself plenty of time to do the movements without any pressure or interruptions from the telephone or colleagues. In fact, making this space is in itself a relaxing, unwinding step, and will enhance the effectiveness of the actual exercises.

Ideally, make an area that feels quiet and calming to you, perhaps with softer lighting if it is needed, maybe with a thick, soft mat for the floor-based stretches. If you have any back discomfort, or just need extra support when lying down, then a couple of cushions may be extremely useful. It is helpful to ware loose fitting, airy clothing so that you can move freely and easily. If the weather permits try to let in some fresh air, but do risk getting cold. These exercises are not intended to work up a good sweat or strain the heart, but to make you feel altogether less stiff and tense, and generally much more flexible.

They are great for loosening you up, releasing tensions, improving circulation, toning the body, and generally making you feel much freer and more confident with your own body. They can really perk you up! After each exercise you will also need time to relax quietly, before you plunge back into everyday life.

If you find them an enormous benefit and become inspired, and want to try out more exercises, then do find a good, local class. Yoga exercises are generally best learned in such a class, with skilled, experienced teacher for maximum benefit. Alternatively you could create your own class at home, inviting a teacher, friend and family on a regular basis.
For more Joyful stretches and guidance go to

Well that about wraps it up today!  I'm going to enjoy some P90X Yoga X today as part of my workout schedule!  Remember to sign up for your free online coaching at That's taking a first step to health!

Enjoy you day.

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