Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spring is coming!

Hi everyone!  Hey guess what?  Spring is only about 4 weeks away!  And before you know it summer will be here too:)

So where are you with your fitness goals?  Have you started yet?  I know a lot of you use summer as your target date to be in shape by.  So what's holding you back if you haven't started yet?  Or have you started and need some additional help?  Maybe you need to see quick results to get you motivated?

Well there are a few different avenues you can take.

1) You can join a gym, but that might not be in your budget.  And I have seen a lot of people join gyms, pay the start up costs and monthly dues only to not come.  So think carefully before doing this one.  It is a big commitment financially.  If you know for a fact that you will use the gym, and get your money's worth, then go for it.  Gyms offer classes, equipment and camaraderie.

2) You can hire a personal trainer, like myself.  But again, this might not be in your budget.  If you can afford it you can train in the privacy of your home.  You can also get a personal program geared just towards you.  But one problem that I have run into with training people is that they will not exercise on the days they don't see me.  So they don't see results.  So if you are going to listen to your trainer, use the exercises that they design for you and workout on the days they ask you to, then YES, you will see results.  If its in your budget, this might be a great option for you.  Personal trainers work in two formats; coaching and training.  Coaching usually involves the trainer meeting with you for an indefinite number of times.  This turns out to be the most costly, but some people need this extra motivation.  Training is more for the person who has no problems sticking to a schedule, following directions and eventually working on their own.  They may hire a trainer for a few weeks or a few months, and then eventually meet with their trainer maybe once a month to get new exercises and track progress.

3) You can hire a trainer, like myself to to a small group exercise class in your home.  This is less expensive than a personal trainer, but the service is a little less personal and less private.  You also need the room to have you and a few friends workout and not bump into each other and furniture.  Its great if you want motivation from your family and friends working out with you at the same time.

4) The least expensive option is training at home on your own or with a friend or family member(s).  You don't need big, expensive equipment to do this either.  An exercise ball can act as a bench.  Stacking weights are great for saving space.  You can also use resistance bands, they save more space.  And if money is really tight, use soup cans or bottled water.  DVDs are also great for teaching you exercises and providing motivation.  Team BeachBody offers several DVDs which can get you into shape before summer strikes.  There are DVDs for all fitness levels and interests.  Check out my Team BeachBody website to view the selection of DVD systems, supplements and exercise gear.  And if your money is extremely tight right now you can sign up for free online coaching.  There you can get coaching from me, a place to input your goals and keep track of your progress.

Well, that's about it for today.  I need to get ready for a birthday party!

Remember, if you need any help, please email me at and I'll be honored to help you out.

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