Thursday, February 25, 2010

No Excuse for No Time

Hi everyone!  Well it looks like my friends in NJ & PA are going to have even more snow!  It does look pretty outside with the snow dusting the pine trees, but I am so ready for summer.

Speaking of summer, I know many people use that as a target to get fit.  Its always good to have goals, but having a fit, healthy body all year-long is what is best.  But since summer will be here before you know it, its not a bad idea to use that as a motivator.

So many people I talk to say they don't have time to exercise.  I know life can get crazy with work, kids, church, social life, taking care of a home, taking care of an older parent, etc.  The list can get pretty long, but if you don't take a little bit of time to take care of yourself, you may find yourself stressed out, overweight, feeling sluggish, fighting the first signs of type 2 diabetes, cholesterol getting higher, blood pressure getting higher, etc.  Yes, that list can get pretty long.  And I know some of you think you are too young to have these problems happen to you.  But don't get too sure.  Studies show that children are more overweight than ever before, they are also suffering from ailments that used to affect only older people, like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, aching joints.

So here's the good news, most of you can prevent this from happening or reverse it.  All it takes is making sure you get enough exercise and eating right.  Its really a simple formula, but we tend to make it seem so difficult. I noticed that the things we really don't want to do, we tend to turn them into a much bigger task than it really is.  We make excuses, like being too busy.  Trust me, even fitness professionals struggle with this from time to time.

But how do we develop the desire and the habit of getting into shape?  Well, first I would say visit your doctor.  I know there are a lot of us who don't go unless we are sick, or you ladies will only go to your "personal" doctor.  I know, I'm guilty of this to sometimes.  But go to your family practitioner and get a physical.  Get blood-work done too.  First you want to see what's going on with you before starting any exercise and nutrition program.  There are certain exercises that should be avoided if you have certain pre-exisitng conditions like high blood pressure.

Once you get your results back and find out if you are healthy or need a little help, its time to devote some time to proper nutrition and exercise.  If you have high blood pressure, your doctor can help you modify your eating to ge that under control.  Same with cholesterol.

At first I'd like you to devote 10 minutes a day to exercise.  I know its not a lot, but even 5 minutes is better than no minutes.  Eventually you can add more time on, but for now let's take baby steps.

Start out with something that you might like.  Think back to something you may have enjoyed as a kid, like bike riding, running, walking, swimming, dancing, martial arts.  Pick something that you will look forward to doing.

If you can't think of something that you like, try something new.  Pilates is a great way to start.  Pilates is a series of exercises that targets the core, and you don't need to do a lot per day.  Quality is better than quantity with this exercise.  If you need help getting started email me.

You may want to try a dvd to get inspired.  There is a great workout dvd system called "10-Minute Trainer" by Tony Horton.  It comes with everything you need to get started (resistance bands, nutrition plan, etc).  You can check it out on my Team BeachBody website as well as other workout systems.  I highly recommend this one if you are crunched for time, like I am.

So as promised, here is a 10 minute or less workout:

1) Start jogging or marching in place.  Do this for about 3 minutes

2) Get on the floor and do some donkey kicks.  You can do these slow for beginners or fast for more advanced.  Push up position, belly button pulled in.  Bring one knee in at a time towards your belly.  Make sure your posture is good, don't let you butt go up too high or drop your hips too low.  Again, if you are more advanced try doing this faster.  Do this for about 1 or 2 minutes.

3) Step-ups - If you are just beginning you will do this a little slower, but more advanced can go faster or you can use a very sturdy coffee table.  Face the bottom step on your staircase (or face your sturdy coffee table for more advanced). Start by stepping up and down leading with your right leg.  Do about 8-10 reps and lead with your left leg for 8-10 reps.

4) Jogging or marching in place.  Do this for another 3 minutes.

5) Basic ab crunch.  Lie on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor, belly button in.  Hands behind your head.  On your exhale lift your head, neck and shoulders off the floor.  Don't yank your head up and only come up as far as you can with out jerking your way up.  Lower down on your inhale.  Do about 10 reps.

Okay, that's it for today.  I have to go play with my kids:)

If you have any questions, please email me.  And again, please check out my Team BeachBody website.  You can access online coaching by signing up.  There you will be able to input your goals and track them too.  Have a great day!

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