Saturday, January 29, 2011

Muscles are a girl's best friend (A Girl's Guide to P90X)

As most of you know I'm a 2 time P90X grad and I just started a 3rd round this month.  I love almost everything about P90X. I love the fact that I feel like I got an awesome workout every time. I love the fact that I see myself getting stronger every time. I love the fact that I can eat!! One of my favorite parts of P90X is the meal plan and the fact that I can eat around 2000 calories and not worry about it.

The thing is a lot of women (and some men), just can't wrap their mind around what's going on with their body during P90X or how much they really need to eat.  Just the other day a friend of mine texted me asking if she should take 500 calories off of the meal plan (which was 1800 and that was low for her). I pleaded with her not to.  She would most likely "peter out" during her workouts and she might actually not lose weight doing that.  So I really hope she listened.

I found this article a few months ago in the Beachbody Newsletter and had to share it.  Please read below:

A Girl's Guide to P90X
By Whitney Provost

Muscles are a girl's best friend. Not only do they raise your metabolism and help you burn more calories, they also keep you living strong. And they look beautiful. Well-sculpted shoulders and lean, tight legs carry clothes better and allow you to power through everyday activities with strength and stamina. How do you get a body like that? A program like P90X will do the trick.

I know this because I'm a P90X graduate. I can vouch for its muscle-sculpting, fat-blasting, and body-shrinking powers. Before I ever started working for Beachbody®, I finished two rounds of P90X and incorporated P90X Plus into my fitness routine. I still do P90X regularly, and Plyometrics is consistently in my cardio rotations.

I'm not a world-class athlete. I'm just a regular at-home fitness junkie. P90X has been helping me get the body I want—lean, tight, and strong but not bulky—and it makes me feel good.

Not sure if you're ready to tackle the X? Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Do your best and forget the rest. You'll hear Tony say this a lot throughout P90X, and it's important advice. All you have to do is lift as much weight as you can, and that's it. You're not in competition with anyone else. Don't worry if you can only lift 5 pounds while the women in the workouts are hoisting 15. Every time you Push Play, you'll get stronger, and before you know it, you'll be able to lift heavier than you ever have before. And don't be surprised if you find that you can do a few pull-ups at the end of 90 days.

Eat enough. A common mistake many active women make is undereating. With a program as intense as P90X, it's important to fill your body with enough healthy fuel to power through your workouts and help your muscles recover afterward. If you don't eat enough, your metabolism will slow down and your body will burn muscle for energy. Follow the P90X nutrition plan and take your supplements. They're designed to help you get the best results. (note by Jessica: please follow the nutrition guide! Don't skimp on the meals, it will backfire on you.)

Don't be a slave to the scale. During a program like P90X, your body will go through a lot of metabolic changes. At first, your muscles may retain water as they react to the shock of the workouts and the recovery afterward. You may notice your weight going up for a short time before your muscles shed the excess water. As you continue with the program, you'll be building muscle and shedding fat, but the scale might not move downward as much as you want it to. Don't let that deter you. A pound of muscle is denser than a pound of fat, so your body may shrink even if your weight doesn't change that much. Keep in mind that muscle is a metabolism booster, so the more you have the more calories and fat you'll burn all day long. (note from Jessica: use a tape measure and go by that. And only check measurements after each phase. The scale will give you too many different numbers each day and drive you nuts.)

You're not going to get bulky. Look at the women in the P90X workouts. They're all lean, strong, and feminine. Because women don't have enough testosterone to build massive amounts of muscle, it's nearly impossible for them to bulk up by lifting heavy weights. When women complain about feeling bulky, it's usually because they're new to a fitness program and their muscles are retaining water. If this happens to you, don't give up. Stick with your meal plan and workouts, and soon the extra bulk will go away.

You're going to love the way you feel. OK, maybe not when you're sore from working out, but as you get stronger and leaner, you're going to love how easy everyday tasks become, like lifting heavy objects, walking up and down stairs, or picking up children. And I can pretty much guarantee that you'll find yourself admiring your shoulders in the mirror or poking yourself in the belly to feel your tight abs. I do it all the time. (note from Jessica: even though you might not lose a lot of weight, you will look so much better with a toned, lean, sexy body)

I'm here doing this program with you if you just started.  I'm going through some of the same frustrations you might be going through.  But just stick with it and realize that you need to throw out some of the old opinions and info you had on weight loss and getting a sexy, lean body.  If you need help with P90X or any other program, you can sign up for free online fitness coaching with my by clicking here.

I'd love to hear from you!! Please, please, please leave a comment below:) xo


  1. You are a very inspiring person, Jessica. Thanks foe the input. You really educated me with all the information above especially the part about muscles retaining water at first. Now I know why I feel the way I do 3 weeks into BBL. I lost 4 inches altogether so far as of week 3. Now I am starting week 4. Hope it works!!!
    Amber Hasan

  2. Amber, that's awesome!!! Send me an email with more details to
