Monday, October 11, 2010

My favorite shake and the results I'm seeing

You've heard me talk about Shakeology and why I love it. I'm a very frugal and skeptical person by nature.  I didn't want to spend the money on it.  Plus I've been around long enough to see products come out filled with empty promises.  But because I get so many people asking me, "what should I do to lose weight?" or "what supplements do you recommend?" I had to give it a try to form an honest opinion about it. I figured if I didn't like it or it turned out to be bogus, I'd send it back for a full refund.  Nothing to lose at all.

Well that was back in March, and I have been using it daily since then.  Not only am I using it and loving it, but my husband who is even more skeptical than me is using it too.

I think most of you who know me, know that I am honest about what I believe works and what doesn't.  If I try something and don't like it, I tell you.  And for my husband to tell people at work about it speaks volumes.

I've gotten so many people who I coach emailing me telling me how much they love using it too.  Its really that good.

I have it everyday for lunch.  My schedule is busy with being a stay at home mom of 4 kids.  I also run my own online fitness business and have a house to take care of.  Besides doing all of this, I work out everyday and eat about 5 meals per day.  I need to eat every 2-3 hours or I get cranky, jittery and ready to pig out on anything. So its very important for me to fuel my body with good, healthy nutrition in order to keep going.

Here is a picture that compares the cost and nutrition of Shakeology vs. a fast food lunch (which would be just as easy):

Seeing a comparison like that really helped to justify the cost for me.  I could even buy frozen dinners to keep on hand and its still going to be around $4 per serving and really high in sodium and artificial ingredients. I get it for less than $3 per serving with my discount and free shipping (you can ask me how you can do that).

What made Shakeology even more attractive to me was the fact that I'm doing something healthy for my body beside stuffing food in my mouth.  Since using Shakeology, I've noticed:

  • My nails seem stronger and look better (even on my toes LOL). 
  • I don't crave sweets anymore (I used to indulge in a bowl of ice cream every night). 
  • I don't feel as sore after hard workouts
  • I manage to keep my weight right on target even if I miss a few days of working out
  • I don't get monthly cramps anymore (sorry had to throw that in because this was something that really bothered me every month and left me unable to workout)
  • I'm able to feel satisfied and not too full during my afternoon workouts
Below is a video to show you what doctors are also saying about Shakeology.

Listen, I'd love to hear from you and get your feedback.  Feel free to leave a comment here or email me at

If you have any questions or need help with working out and eating right, please feel free to contact me.


  1. Shakeology is great! I've only been using it for about a month but so far the changes I've noticed are more energy, lowered sugar cravings, and my skin looks better. Yay!

  2. I haven't noticed my skin looking better, but have heard others seeing that. And I do feel more energized.
