Thursday, October 28, 2010

The joy of yoga

Anyone who knows me knows that I love yoga.  Even though I'm a Pilates instructor, I think I like yoga just a tiny bit better.  I used to practice yoga almost 7 days per week, but once I started doing P90X my yoga practice dwindled to once a week.  I didn't mind though it was a nice change and challenge.  I did two rounds of P90X, and 4 weeks of Insanity in between. 

Fellow Team Beachbody Coach, Mike French posted a 30-day/3 times per week Yoga Challenge on Facebook. This sparked my interest because I know he and his wife Tami, train really hard. Way harder than me.  Since I was done with P90X for the time being, I wanted to take it down a notch and refresh my body.  This seemed like the perfect answer. 

Let me tell you that yoga is by no means a walk in the park.  I've been doing power yoga with P90X's Yoga X as well as other power yoga programs designed to burn calories, torch fat, sculpt you abs, arms and legs.

My body responded right away to the change.  The next day after my first time back with yoga, I was sore all over.  My abs hadn't felt this sore in a very long time.  This soreness then carried over into the next day too.  When it was time for my second day, I worked through the soreness but had to do a lot of grunting and deep breathing to get through the positions.

When I was finished, I was sweating, breathing heavy and feeling like I had an awesome workout completed and under my belt.

I know most people cringe when they hear the words yoga, stretching or flexibility exercises. Trust me, if you stick with it, you will really look forward to these workouts and gain a brand new body.  You may also gain a whole new perspective on life too.  Yoga teaches patience, practice, not taking things too seriously, and being able to laugh at ourselves when you tumble out of a pose.  It teaches you to relax into a pose instead of fighting to get there.  You learn to breathe deeply, feeding your muscles the oxygen they need.  And you get an awesome sense of accomplishment when you can finally get into a pose near perfectly.

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