Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why is the Core so important?

Today I did one of my favorite P90X workouts, Core Synergistics.  Being a Pilates instructor, I'm all about working the 'core.' But what is the core and why is it so important?

Well the 'core muscles' are the muscles deep within the abs and back, attaching to the spine or pelvis. Some of these muscles include the transversus abdominis (TVA), the muscles of the pelvic floor, the lats and the obliques, just to name a few. These muscles are where movement originates and it's also the source of our stability. Whether you're running, lifting weights or picking up your toddler, these 'core' muscles help keep your body stable and balanced.

Think of the core as your foundation.  Just like a house needs a strong foundation, so do you. A house with a bad  foundation, will start to go crooked and eventually crumble.  Your body will eventually have similar problems if you don't have a good foundation.

Many of today's fitness professionals agree that including core training into your routine will help you with:

•More functional workouts that translate into daily life activities
•Improved performance in sports
•Reduction in the risk of injury
•Better ability to function each day
•Interesting workouts that challenge you in new and different ways

Workouts that work your core include Pilates, yoga, and some martial arts. Sports conditioning classes are starting to pop up everywhere, and most fitness classes will include a small portion of core training.

If you would like more information on how you can incorporate core training into your routine, send me an email at wattersjes@msn.com.  Almost all of the Beachbody workout systems include core training exercises in their programs.  Check them out.

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