Friday, May 14, 2010

Bra Bulge, Muffin Tops and Bat Wings, Oh my!!!

by Jessica Watters

Bra bulge, muffin tops and bat wings!  Sounds like some kind of weird diet or something scary.  But the truth is, these are the issues that most women ask me to help them tackle.  Oh yes, jiggle thighs and saggy booty are up there too, but the upper body does get shown a lot more than the lower body.  I guess that's why I get asked about the first 3 the most.

We all know what bra bulge is, that stuff in the back that puffs out over the bra.  Muffin tops is the stuff that comes up over the waistband, and bat wings are the flabby triceps that keep flapping as we wave hello and goodbye.

So what's a girl to do to get rid of the bra bulge, muffin tops and bat wings?  First you need to get eating healthier.  Get rid of the junk food, start eating 5 meals per day.  That goes like this: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.  Most women cringe when I tell them this. I don't know why women like to starve themselves.  It is totally counterproductive.  If you eat quality foods, you will look like you have.  Eat bad junk, and its also going to show.  Starving yourself will actually have the opposite effect.  Your body will go into panic mode and actually cling to the fat for fear of starvation.

Next you need to make sure you're drinking 64 oz of water per day.  Properly hydrating your body is key to looking good and keeping you working to your full potential.

Now its time to tackle exercise.  I hate to tell you this ladies, but just doing 20 minutes per day, 3 days per week may not be enough for you.  Sure, its a great start and I think any amount of exercise is better than none at all.  But if you really want to reshape your body and make significant changes you are going to have to commit to more.  Working out 5-6 days per week for at least 30 minutes will do wonders.  If you can work out for 45-55 minutes 5-6 days per week, even better.

Yes, you're going to need to do cardio in order to burn fat, but please don't become a "cardio queen" as we in the fitness business like to call them.  A "cardio queen" only wants to do cardio, nothing else.  She wonders why she still has no shape to her arms, or her legs.  She may be skinny as heck, but still looking flabby and fluffy.  So ladies, you need to move beyond the cardio and add some weights/resistance training to your routine.

I like doing 3 days of strength training and 3 days of cardio.  I alternate them, so day 1 is strength, day 2 cardio, day 3 strength, day 4 cardio, day 5 strenght, day 6 cardio, day 7 rest.  Yes, rest is very important too.  A rest day is good for your body and soul.  I like to make my rest day on Sunday.  And you need to make sure you;re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.  If you consistently don't, your body produces a hormone that lets your belly cling to fat.

So how much weight should women be using when working out?  I start most of my newbies with light weights.  Sets of weights at 3 lbs, 5lbs and 8 lbs is usually good for beginners.  But once you can do a set of 12-15 reps and it feels too easy, you need to bump up the weight.  So you may go to 5 lbs, 8 lbs and 12 lbs. Something like that.  If you have only 10 lbs, you can substitute that for the 12s.  But you shouldn't stay attached to using the same weight over and over for weeks.  Move up and move on for best results and to avoid plateau.

You also want to make sure you're not doing the same exercises week after week after week.  Again, this can lead to a plateau.  Your body will get so used to doing the same thing and adapt.  Then you will wonder why you're not seeing any new results.  So switch things up a little.  Experiment with different exercise that target your upper body and lower body. You can keep it on the same days, just change up the routine a little.

Once you start eating right, and exercising at least 5-6 days per week, you should start seeing results within 3 to 4 weeks. 

Do yourself a favor, go by how your clothes fit, not by the number on the scale.  So many women obsess about that number, thinking it will bring happiness, and they totally overlook that their clothes fit better, their bra bulge is missing, the muffin top has been whittled away, and the bat wings have flown bye-bye.  The jiggle thighs have been replaced with sexy legs and the saggy booty has become bootylicious.

I know that trying to come up with a good plan of attack can seem daunting.  I went through the same thing for myself and I'm in the fitness industry.  Investing in a good workout dvd system can really make the difference.  It did for me.  Also enlisting the help and support of a Coach, friends and family can help you too.

As a Team Beachbody Coach, Pilates instructor, fitness instructor and personal trainer, I have seen what works and what doesn't.  I've had clients who follow everything I help them with and see great results, and I've had those who just want to keep doing things the same old way and never see any results.  It takes hard work, commitment and a drive to succeed. 

If you are tired of doing things the same old way and wondering when you'll see results, or maybe you think that you'll never back to that healthy body, email me at  I can help you get set up on a great program that will have you feeling better and looking better fast.

You can also check out my website at There you'll find lots of workout systems that range from beginner to advanced.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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