Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 3 into My P90X Journey

I am right in the middle of week 3 of the P90X Classic routine. As a mom of 4 and fitness instructor, my life is pretty busy. Mostly with kid stuff. I only teach bootcamp 2 times per week because of the kids. For a few months that was it for exercise. I put everything first, instead of taking time to keep myself healthier.

So I decided to change things around and make the time to workout. I truly think this helps me to be a better mom. I have the energy to keep up with them and the strength to carry a toddler around too.

After 3 weeks I feel awesome. I'm more energized, I'm eating better, and I feel a lot stronger and leaner too.

I wasn't eating all that bad before, but I definitely think I lacked enough protein in my diet and was guilty of eating the food my toddler and preschooler would leave behind. Trust me that adds up. But now I am able to pass up those goldfish or leftover pancakes, and switch to a healthy snack like almonds and an apple, or a protein shake.

So far I am totally impressed with P90X and the results I am seeing with my body. I promise to post more pictures to my Team BeachBody profile page soon:)


  1. I started P90x on March 1st and am feeling the same results as you, more energy, healthier eating and I can definite tell I am getting stronger. Great work "SO FAR" as Tony would say, and keep pushing play!

  2. Good for you Chris! Where are you at now with P90X?
